The big dirty sound you are looking for can be found with this template that has the similar sound of the South’s greats like: 2Chainz, The Migos, Young Thug, and others.
Pro Tools 10 or later recommended (but I have included a .ptx file for older Pro Tools)
3rd party plug-ins are not included, but can be purchased separately.
*For full compatibility you will need the following Waves & Antares plug-ins:
- Antares Autotune Unlimted: https://wavyproaudio.com/products/antares-auto-tune-unlimited-annual-subscription
- Waves Renaissance DeEsser: https://wavyproaudio.com/products/waves-renaissance-deesser-plug-in
- Waves Renaissance Compressor: https://wavyproaudio.com/products/waves-renaissance-compressor-plug-in
- Waves Renaissance Equalizer: https://wavyproaudio.com/products/waves-renaissance-equalizer-plug-in
- Waves Renaissance Vox: https://wavyproaudio.com/products/waves-renaissance-vox-plug-in
- Waves C4: https://wavyproaudio.com/products/waves-c4-multiband-compressor-plug-in
- Waves MondoMod: https://wavyproaudio.com/products/waves-mondomod-modulation-effect-plug-in
- Waves H-Delay: https://wavyproaudio.com/products/waves-h-delay-hybrid-delay-plug-in
- Waves Doubler: https://wavyproaudio.com/products/waves-doubler-vocal-doubling-and-harmonizer-plug-in
- Waves Renaissance Reverb: https://wavyproaudio.com/products/waves-renaissance-reverb-plug-in
- Waves S1 Imager: https://wavyproaudio.com/products/waves-s1-stereo-imager-plug-in
- Waves L2: https://wavyproaudio.com/products/waves-l2-ultramaximizer-plug-in
All of the Waves Plug-ins listed above can be found in the Waves Horizon Bundle: https://wavyproaudio.com/products/waves-horizon-plug-in-bundle
*Add this link if you need help installing the plugins: https://youtu.be/pdll8sKUnmU
This product is made by Wavy Wayne and the artist mentioned has nothing to do with this product. The artist mentioned did not make this product, nor are they affiliated with this product in any way. This product is meant to create a sound that can be compared to the sound of the artist mentioned in the title. This product will not create the exact sound of the artist because this product was not made by the artist at all. The artist name is used for comparison purposes only, this artist is not supportive of this product nor in partnership with Wavy Wayne to promote this product.